We had many Willard students participate in the WCHS musical last week. We appreciate WCHS hosting our school for a afternoon preview. The show was amazing!

Congratulations to these awesome PRIDE Award winners! Great work Warriors!

Congratulations to these awesome PRIDE Award winners! Great work Warriors!

The Randolph County Spelling Bee is tonight. Good luck to Chloe Ellingwood, Dylan Polei, and Dani Rose! Great work Warriors!

Here are the dress up days for the next 2 weeks. These donations will go to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. Go Warriors!

Congratulations to these awesome PRIDE Award winners! Keep up the great work, Warriors!

Randolph Central will be on a 2-hour delay today, Thursday, January 12, 2023 due to fog.

Willard Elementary 2nd 9 Weeks' Honor Roll
Great work Warriors!

Willard Families,
Next week we will begin our 2nd session of NWEA testing. In order to help this testing go as smoothly as possible, please check with your student each day to make sure that they have a fully charged Chromebook and headphones. Your help with this is greatly appreciated.

Randolph Central Families,
This is a reminder that Monday (10/10) and Tuesday (10/11) are asynchronous eLearning days. Teachers will have lessons posted by 9 AM. Students should work on assignments and can reach out to their teachers for help between the hours of 9 AM and 2 PM. Wed-Friday is Fall Break. Thank you!

Deerfield Elementary Preschool is now a Child Care Development Fund (CCDF) approved provider. For information about child care assistance through the CCDF Voucher Program click the link below.
Click the link below for information about Preschool @ Deerfield Elementary

Click below for access to Randolph Central Quick Links to important school information.

This is a reminder that Randolph Central is having onsite enrollment at ALL schools today (7/22) from 9 AM to 2 PM and Monday (7/25) from 2 PM to 6 PM for any parent who needs assistance. Parents can also enroll their new or returning child online anytime at:

Building a bright future for Randolph Central students.

The Randolph Central Board of School Trustees voted to hire Anna Spencer as the new Lee L. Driver Middle School Principal. Ms. Spencer served as the WCHS Assistant Principal last year, which gave our community the opportunity to get to know her and the quality of her work. She has 20 years of experience as a middle school teacher in which she served in many leadership roles. Congratulations Anna! We are happy to have you in this new role and look forward to great things for Lee L. Driver Middle School under your leadership.

Randolph Central will close and students will be on eLearning today, Friday, February 25, 2022. Thank you!

All parents of 2nd - 6th grade ECI boys basketball teams, your child will be announced during halftime of the boy's WCHS varsity basketball game tomorrow evening. We also have a limited supply of posters that the varsity team will be signing during halftime of the JV game. The JV game starts at 6:00 pm and players will get in free if they are wearing their ECI t-shirt.

Congratulations to the Lady Falcons on tonight’s win and to Caitlyn Campbell for reaching 1000 career points! The school board meeting scheduled for this Tuesday evening will be moved to Thursday evening February 10 at 6 PM. The Board meeting will be at the WCHS/DMS Library.

Randolph Central will be closed and students will have an eLearning Day tomorrow, Thursday, February 3, 2022.

Good Evening!
This is a reminder that Randolph Central Schools will return to in-person instruction on Monday, January 24, 2022. If your child(ren) has symptoms or there is a positive case in the household please keep them home and call the nurse at your child's school. Thank you for your patience as we work through this latest COVID-19 surge together. Click the link below for COVID-19 screening guidance. Thank you!