During the 2019-2020 school year, the Randolph Central School Corporation will be instituting eLearning Days for students on both planned and unplanned closures. eLearning days are counted as actual school days for students and are a paid working day for teachers and principals.
eLearning Days are scheduled for September 23rd and February 14th. On these days, students will remain at home and will complete work on their Chromebooks. Teachers will be available during previously determined times to help students remotely as needed. Willard students will have the chance to practice an eLearning Day at school on Friday, August 30th. On this day, students will come to school and an actual eLearning Day will be simulated within the classroom setting to prepare students for success on these days. Additionally, in the event of school closure due to weather or other unforeseen circumstances, eLearning Days may be used lieu of making up school days.
More information about the specifics of an eLearning Day and what you can expect as a parent can be found in the following eLearning Document.