
Willard Parents/Guardians:

Willard Elementary School will hold its annual Fall Costume Parade on Friday, October 30th beginning at 1:30 p.m.  This year’s parade will look different than it has in the past.  Due to COVID-19 restrictions, both the parade and our fall parties will be closed to the public.  During the parade, classes will remain with their cohort groups and will not enter into other classrooms.  Students will view other classes through Zoom from their own rooms as they pass through the gymnasium one class at a time.  We will be broadcasting our parade online for parents to view as well.  More information about how to view the parade will be sent home at a later date.  Willard’s Fall Parties will follow the parade at around 2:00PM.  Please note that any snacks sent in for parties must be store bought and individually packaged by the manufacturer.

As costume plans are being made for our parade, the staff at Willard would like to provide some positive costume guidelines.  These guidelines are meant to encourage creativity, use imagination, and adhere to the values of our school.  We are asking parents to use good discretion in what costumes are brought to school.  Encourage students to dress up as a storybook character, a famous person, a TV or movie personality, or a person in a specific occupation. We want to eliminate costumes that depict violence, the results of violent acts, or excessive blood or gore.  In order to reduce mess and save time, students will not be permitted to put on hair coloring or face paint/makeup here at school.  We insist that fake weapons such as guns, knives, swords, etc. (toys or otherwise) not be brought to school.  Additionally, costumes should not be scary for young children

Students are not to wear their costumes to school or home on the bus.  With this said, portions of costumes may be worn if they do not disrupt the educational environment and are safe (i.e. jeans for a cowboy, leggings for a lady bug, etc.).  If a mask is part of the costume, please be sure that your child has good vision. Due to the inability to use shared spaces to change clothing, students should only plan to wear costumes that can be put on over their clothing.  Students will not be able to “change” their clothing.  Students may bring their costumes to school on the bus in a marked bag.

Thank you for your help in making Willard’s annual costume parade a success and for helping us put on a program that adheres to Willard’s value system.


  • Fall Break: Oct. 16-20
  • Red Ribbon Week: Week of Oct. 26th 
  • Pumpkin Decorating Contest: Week of Oct. 26th 

                                                                                    Happy Fall!

                                                                                    Mr. Duncan