The Willard Elementary School Choir will begin practicing next Friday, September 13th. Consent forms will be sent home very soon. Choir practices are after school on most Fridays from 3-3:45PM.
Our practice eLearning Day is underway. Students are pretending to be at home as if it was a true eLearning Day, working online and corresponding with their teachers via computer.
The summer of 2019 was a busy one for the custodial and maintenance staff at Willard Elementary School. Walking into the building, it is obvious that much time and care was taken over the summer to give the building a fresh look. This is evident the moment you step foot in the front doors, as you are greeted with a new entry rug emblazoned with the Willard logo. Gone is the old carpet throughout the building, replaced by a new, warm, and modern look. The egg shell white paint color has been replaced with tones of gray, beige, and navy blue. Sleek new bulletin boards have replaced mismatched boards throughout the building. Signage for the new PRIDE initiative can be found throughout the building. In the gymnasium, new wall pads cover the walls at each end, providing both safety and a new look.
We are so grateful to our Superintendent, Mr. Rolland Abraham, and our wonderful School Board for investing in the aesthetics of our building. Also, a BIG THANKS to all of those who worked tirelessly this summer to revamp the building and get it ready for students!
Willard's annual MUM SALE is underway! Please help support our school by purchasing mums from a Willard student or by calling our office at 765-584-9171 ext. 1200. Our hardy mums are always beautiful and come in 9" pots for the low price of $8. A good portion of this money will go right back to Willard! Share and get the word out and order yours today!
Don't forget, school will not be in session on Monday, September 2nd in observance of Labor Day. Enjoy your three day weekend!
Willard students will participate in a PRACTICE eLearning Day on Friday, August 30th. On this day, students should arrive at school as normal. Once at school, the first two hours of the school day will include students completing assignments on their Chromebooks. All correspondence with their teacher during this two hour window will take place via the computer. Additionally, students may wear school-appropriate pajamas to school! Again, students should plan to attend school as normal on our practice eLearning Day this Friday, August 30th.
As a reminder, our first scheduled eLearning Day will be on September 23rd. On this day, students will not attend school and will complete assignments from home on their Chromebooks.
September lunch menu
Don't forget! Fall Picture Day is tomorrow, Wednesday, August 28th. Order forms should be returned tomorrow with money, or you may order online using the below link. SMILE!…/Organiza…/WES
Did you know that it is easier than ever to get involved in the BOX TOPS program at school? All you do is download the app, choose Willard as the beneficiary, go shopping, and scan your receipts. It's that easy! Take a look and share with others!
Congratulations to Willard's own, Mrs. Jordan Law, for winning a recent essay contest, Randolph County Memory, sponsored by the Winchester Writers Group and the News-Gazette. Your Willard family is proud of you!
The Indiana Department of Education has announced income eligibility guidelines, including household size, for the free and reduced-price school meals and milk programs. The National School Lunch, School Breakfast, and Special Milk programs were created to support students unable to pay the full price for meals or milk.
The link below contains income criteria and household size that are used for determining eligibility. The guidelines are effective until June 30, 2020. Children from households that meet federal guidelines are eligible for free or reduced-price meals and milk.
If you feel that your family might qualify and you have not yet filled out appropriate paperwork, please contact our office at 584-8171 ext. 1200.
Fall Picture Day is coming up on Wednesday, August 28th. You may order online using the below link, or return the order form with payment the day of pictures. Please do not send back order forms until August 28th. Order forms will be sent home within the next week.
Did you know that Randolph Central has an app to help you stay up to date with events, delays, cancellations, updates, and more? It’s everything Randolph Central in your pocket. Search “Randolph Central Schools” in the App Store or Google Play Store today.
We have had a few questions about our new automated call system after this morning’s fog delay. Our new system actually links to our website, our new app, and our social media outlets like Facebook to get information to our stakeholders quickly and efficiently. In fact, this message will go out to Facebook, an app notification, and our website with one push of a button. Unfortunately though, calls will show up on your phone as Little Rock, Arkansas. This may take some getting used to in order to recognize the out of state number. Sorry for the inconvenience And for any confusion this may cause, but the system has otherwise been very effective and user friendly. We appreciate your understanding.
Randolph Central Schools will operate on a two hour delay today, Wednesday, August 14th.
The 2019-2020 school year is off to an amazing start! It is going to be a great year.
On Monday, August 12th, 2019, all Willard students will receive their Chromebooks at school. They will begin bringing them home nightly thereafter. Please take a look at the documents contained in this packet that will come home today and the attached form for more information about the Chromebooks, student expectations, and how you can help. Additionally, please review the “Randolph Central School Corporation Network and Internet Acceptable Usage Policy Student Agreement and Student Chromebook Usage Guidelines”. This document was given at registration and contains important information about our Chromebooks.
I am sure that there are many questions about eLearning Days as well. There are two types of eLearning Days: planned and unplanned. Planned eLearning Days will are scheduled for September 23rd, 2019 and February 14th, 2020. On these days, students will remain at home, complete assigned tasks and assignments, and have access to their teacher/s for question via correspondence during scheduled office hours. Unplanned eLearning Days allow for school days to be held in the event of an unplanned school closure due to weather. Both of these types of days are explained in detail in the attached eLearning document. We will conduct a practice eLearning Day here at school on Friday, August 30.
We are excited about the educational opportunities our new Chromebooks will provide our students. Please feel free to call the Willard Elementary School office at 765-584-9171 ext. 1200 if you have any questions.
Willard will host a short informational meeting for all grade 3 students and parents during open house on Tuesday, August 6th beginning at 6:15 pm. Join us to learn more about what Willard is all about!
We are just a few days away from the first day of school on Wednesday, August 7th!
Please join us for our annual Open House on Tuesday, August 6th from 6-7 p.m. On this night, you can meet your child's teacher, check out the classroom, and bring in school supplies.
There will also be a brief parent meeting for all third grade parents in the gymnasium starting at 6:15 p.m. to discuss Willard expectations, procedures, and state testing.
The Force performing at The Drums of Winchester! Go Force!
The Force performing at The Drums of Winchester. Go Force!