We will be selling Falcon Face Masks out of the office. They are $10 each and are adjustable. These masks are quite comfortable. We currently have 100 to sell. If we run out and people are still interested in purchasing more we will order more. Show your Falcon PRIDE!
Click below for a message from the Randolph Central Corporation Nurse, Lacey Hummel, regarding recent changes to the CDC Guidelines on excluding students from school with symptoms that "might" be COVID-19 related.
Friday Night Lights! Glad to be playing football!
It is going to be a great night for a football game! The Black Attack plays Franklin County tonight at Falcon Field. Unfortunately, the tickets are all sold out but you can listen to the game on STAR 98.3 with Tom Byrum if you did not get a seat! Good Luck Falcons!
September Menu
Falcon Tennis tonight against Union City
The CDC has changed their guidelines for Parent/Staff Screening & Returning to School. Please click the link below to review the new guidelines. Randolph Central will implement these new guidelines beginning tomorrow (8/27/20).
Thank you to parents, students, staff, and the community for your support in this very unique times.
Rolland Abraham
Students being dropped off to WCHS should be dropped off at Door #21 on the southeast side of the building. We have had some people driving through the bus loop. There should only be bus traffic in the loop in the mornings for safety reasons. Thank you!
Don’t forget, tomorrow (Friday) is PICTURE DAY!
WCHS was recently awarded a $50,000 Next Level Program of Study Pilot Grant that helped us purchase this new Coordinate Measuring Machine (CMM) for the Larry E. Fast Advanced Manufacturing Center. Mr. Clawson had training on it and we are excited to begin using it!
Today we had the pleasure of hosting Terry Anker, Chairman of the Ivy Tech Community College State Board of Trustees, Chris Tally, Board of Trustees for the Winchester & Goodrich Foundation, & Larry Fast for a tour of our Larry E. Fast Advanced Manufacturing And Welding Centers.
Good Evening Randolph Central Parents!
Your student's fees are now available to pay online. Please log into your PowerSchool account and click the blue eFunds link on the Balance page. You will have to create an account. You will need your student's 4 digit number which is located at the top of your dashboard in Powerschool. You may also access eFunds from the school website. Please remember to pay your chromebook insurance fees!
Thank you!
Today we met with the potential Lilly Scholarship students. Good luck to all students!
JV Volleyball against Cowan tonight
Unfortunately, Adams County does not allow fans from the visiting teams. Next Fri., 8/21, the Black Attack is scheduled to play South Adams in Football. Here is the link to the webcast by the Berne Witness. Their website is www.bernewitness.com. They are also on the IHSAA Network App. Hopefully we will have many fans watching and rooting the Falcons on from home!
Any student interested in taking the SAT please review this flyer for SAT School Day!
If you are interested in taking the ACT during school, read this flyer. We highly recommend taking it at WCHS where you are comfortable and do not have to go on a Saturday morning.
August Lunch Menu
THANK YOU to the staff/students for a terrific first day back! Parents, be proud of your kids for doing what they need to do to keep us in school. I can’t make any promises about what the future holds but I can confidently say everyone is doing their best! #FalconPRIDE
Members of our WCHS FCCLA (Family, Career and Community Leaders of America) were active this summer representing our school and state.
Two students attended the State Leadership Summer Conference (virtual)-
...Lauren Harris and Michael Neville (normally held at Vincennes University)
Three students participated at the National FCCLA Virtual Leadership Conference
in July.
...Cheyanne Hackler (Event Management)
...Lauren Harris (Leadership)
...Michael Neville (Recycle and Redesign)
They competed with a virtual submission of their project due in June. They also attended meetings and workshops in July via on-line.
We are proud to announce---All three students received GOLD medal scores.
Michael Neville also received the 3rd highest score in the country for his STAR project.
Congratulations to all FCCLA students and Mrs. Neville!