Check out this HUGE check that we presented to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society this past week on behalf of the Willard family! Presenting the check with Mr. Duncan are members of our Student Council. Job well done!

We are still in need of additional volunteers for Friday's Field Day & ILEARN Celebration Day. If you are able to help, please call the Willard office at 584-9171 ext. 1200. Thank you for helping us give our kids a memorable day of fun!

This summer, Baker and Willard will host a combined Food Pantry in both June and July. The pantry will be hosted at Baker Elementary School on June 4th and July 16th from 3:30-5:00.

5th Grade Chromebook Collection will take place on Thursday, May 16th. All fifth grade students should have their issues Chromebook with case and charger to turn in. Students will be charged (some exceptions for those with insurance) for any damages or missing components.

We still need you help! We are about 10 donors short of reaching our goal this year. Would you consider donating blood tomorrow?
The Willard Elementary School Student Council will again be sponsoring a BLOOD DRIVE this year on Wednesday, May 8th from 2-7 p.m. You can make an appointment by going to redcrossblood.org and putting in the sponsor code "willardelem". Also, we have partnered with Amazon, and all donors at the drive will receive a $5.00 Amazon gift card via email.
Thank you in advance for helping us help others!

Willard Elementary School and the American Red Cross are hosting a blood drive!
Please join our lifesaving mission and schedule an appointment today!
Visit redcrossblood.org and use sponsor code willardelem
Wed May 8, 2019
2:00: PM - 7:00: PM
Thank you!

Randolph Central Patrons,
You may have seen in the News-Gazette that Randolph Central is in the home stretch in raising the funds necessary to build our OWN softball diamond as well as improve the baseball field. Please click on the attached link for more information and ways to donate.
Thank you!
Rolland Abraham

Willard hosted a special breakfast this morning to say THANK YOU to our awesome bus drivers. Driving the bus is a tough and often thankless job. Please join us in showing appreciation for our awesome drivers!

Randolph Central School Corporation will operate on a two hour delay today, Thursday, May 2 due to fog.

Field Day 2019 is Friday, May 17th. Watch for more information soon on you you can get involved!

This just in! Moms love donuts too! Moms...join us on Friday, May 10th from 7:30-8:30 am or 2:30-3:30 pm for a donut, milk, and time with your son or daughter. The Willard Book Fair will be open as well. Don't miss it!

Save the date! Willard Elementary School's Awards Day will take place on our last student day, Friday, May 24th beginning at 9:00 a.m.

ILEARN Testing begins at Willard next week! Take a look at the attached ILEARN info sheet for more information including class testing schedules. Our students are going to rock the exam!

We love our Driver Middle School Super Sidekicks!

We have some really great things for tonight’s Food Pantry. Come and see us in the Willard cafeteria from 4-5:30.

It has been an awesome week at Willard...Seussical Kids, Grandparents Days, and Ag Days, oh my!

These awesome quilts, handcrafted by our amazing Art teacher, Mrs. Martin, and our students, are up for auction this week as part of Grandparents Days! Did you know that bidding is open to parents as well? Each classroom piece features artwork from all students in the class. All proceeds from the silent auction go to our art, music, and PE programs. Bidding is open until the close of business Friday.

This week starts our Championship Drive for our 3rd grade students to raise money for their college choice 529 accounts. Third grader students that have already signed up will be bringing home a piggy bank and letter. They can start asking for donations from family and friends. Remember the Community Foundation will match your donations up to $75.00. Piggy banks and money are due back next Monday, April 15th. If you haven’t signed up your child, it is not to late. Just call Willard and we can help!

We’re thrilled to announce Randolph Central
School Corporation’s new app! It’s everything Randolph
Central, in your pocket. Download the app on Android:
http://bit.ly/2GfEYvJ or iPhone: https://apple.co/2GsZ6L9

Inflatables, movies, and a Spring Break countdown...today was a great day! Have an awesome break! See you in April.