Social distancing at Cross Country practice this morning!

Class of 2020: Graduation prep is underway this morning!👩🏻🎓

2020 SENIORS: Please remember the Senior Breakfast/Video/Graduation Practice will be held on Friday at 9:00 AM in the Commons. Bring your cap, gown, & stole for the class picture. The MANDATORY practice on the football field will begin around 9:45-10:00 AM. See you Friday!

CLASS OF 2020: Remember the Baccalaureate is tomorrow, Thursday, July 9 at the Winchester Nazarene Church at 7:00 PM. Masks are not required but recommended. This is an optional senior event but we hope to see you there!

Class of 2020: Please review the graduation changes.

To any high school girl who has interest in playing, or any questions about High School Girls Golf for the 2020/21 season please contact Coach McCoy for more information. Her email address is kemccoy@randolphcentral.us.

The last day to order your 2019-2020 yearbook is FRIDAY, JULY 3. Be sure to visit www.yearbookordercenter.com to secure your copy before it's too late!

All athletes should view the shared video as we prepare to begin conditioning for athletics:

All WCHS Athletes should review the video:
The following is the Google Forms Home Health Questionnaire that will be need to be completed:

CLASS OF 2020 AND PARENTS: Crabtree Photography will be at the graduation ceremony on July 11 to take a few candids, as well as a nice portrait after the graduate has received their diploma, off-stage.
The parents may pre-order the package for these portraits at the below link. The online event is open now, and will be until July 14.
There is a $5 shipping fee on each order so these photos will be mailed directly to the customers .

Randolph Central School Corporation and the WCHS/DMS athletic departments are excited for the opportunity to resume Indiana High School Athletic Association sanctioned athletics starting July 6th.
WCHS will begin July 6th and DMS will begin when we resume school.
Every WCHS and DMS student athlete will have to complete an IHSAA Health History Questionnaire and consent and Release Certificate prior to beginning their WCHS summer or DMS fall activities.
Last year's 2019-2020 physicals are good for this upcoming 20-21 calendar school year as long as you do not answer yes to any of the questions on the IHSAA health history questionnaire If you answer "yes" you will need a new physical prior to activity.
All required athletic paperwork
the WCHS July Athletic Schedule can be found on the various WCHS and DMS social media outlets.
Hard copies can be picked up at DMS door #1 during the Randolph Central summer lunch hours of 11am- 1pm Monday through Friday.
The WCHS Athletic Department is excited to get back to what we will have to call "Our New Normal" for high school athletics. This will be very challenging and ever changing. In order to play games in August it will be crucial that we follow the guidelines that have been set forth starting in July.

Congratulations to Lindsey Herrera for earning the Global Seal of Biliteracy!

Seniors: Don’t forget to pick up your Senior Honor’s packets today until 1:00 PM in the front loop!

Any senior who won awards last evening at the Senior Awards program may pick them up today between 11 AM and 1 PM in the front circle drive at WCHS. See you there!

View the 2020 Senior Honors Program at this link:

Tonight at 7:00 PM watch the Class of 2020 Senior Honors Program. The link will be posted to Facebook, Twitter, and the School Webpage. Tomorrow seniors who were presented awards should pick them up in the WCHS circle drive between 11:00 AM-1:00 PM.

Serving your country is such an honor and today we give thanks to all the brave men and women who gave their lives. 🇺🇸

Grant Wagner was recently named an Indiana Association of School Principal's Indiana Academic All-Star for his commitment to education, leadership, and community service. When a student is given this high honor he is able to salute a teacher who has made a difference in his life. Grant chose Mr. Brian Clawson for this high honor. Congratulation to both Grant Wagner and Mr. Brian Clawson!

Winchester Community High School recognizes Mr. Brian Clawson as the 2019-2020 Teacher of the Year. Mr. Clawson has gone above and beyond to bring a quality industrial technology program to WCHS. He was nominated by his teaching peers as an example of someone who is a proficient teacher, dedicated to his students’ success, and a tireless leader among the faculty.
Mr. Clawson has devoted many hours to developing the Larry E. Fast Advanced Manufacturing Center into a teaching facility second to none. He is working alongside his colleagues in the agriculture and welding programs to create an amazing trades-based learning experience for WCHS students.
Working with the community and developing relationships with business and industry has been at the forefront of what Mr. Clawson has done to make his program successful. He is developing an industry network that will not only help Falcon Industries but will also help students as they graduate and begin looking for positions in the manufacturing world.
Mr. Clawson makes connections with students and helps to develop them into quality people. The relationships he develops outlast the 4 years that a student is in high school. He also has dedicated many hours outside of the school day to coach football and golf which has allowed him to influence even more students.
Congratulations to Mr. Brian Clawson for being named the 2019-2020 Teacher of the Year!

Watch the WCHS 2019-2020 Student Awards Program! Students may pick up their awards Tuesday-Thursday from 9:00 AM-2:00 PM.